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Welcome to Capwork Laboratory Inc. where you can find the best nutrition supplement deal.

Our nutrition supplement is your step to a healthy and better life.

CAPWORK LABORATORY INC. 創立於1992年,旗下擁有數種品牌,而Castle Nature 系列產品屬於其最頂級的牌子。Castle Nature所有產品皆委託權威的微生物研究室進行最嚴謹的品管複檢,以長期監控產品品質,並為消費者投保加幣二百萬的產品責任險。

野菜酵素乃Castle Nature的最熱賣產品之一,它是從日本直接引進以高科技滲透壓法萃取102種珍貴的植物根, 莖, 葉, 花及靈芝, 冬蟲夏草經過3年6個月發酵而成, 並分批階段性地將十餘種菌種依奇特性植入醱酵, 內含有16種維生素, 17種礦物質, 21種胺基酸, 千種酵素群及SOD酵素, 能有效地促進各種細胞自行修復, 活化, 並能增家全身各種代謝功能, 是所有酵素產品總類中最完整的一種產品, 是身體細胞不可或缺之養份。

CAPWORK LABORATORY INC., founded in 1992, owns several brands, while Castle Naturals is one of the top brands in the company. In order to provide high quality in our brands, we assigned authority microbial laboratory for re-examination and long term quality control. In addition, to guarantee our products quality, we purchase two million Canadian dollars in product insurance.

Enzyme is one of our highest demand products. The technology of producing enzyme was directly imported from Japan. Enzyme is a harmonious combination of science and nature featuring a blend of 30 fruits, 42 vegetables, 3 mushrooms, 11 herbs, 3 seaweeds, 3 flowers, 3 nuts, 3 grasses, and 4 sprouts. The 100% natural vintage has been cultured with 12 pro biotic (friendly bacteria) for a minimum of 3 years, to extract the goodness of these ingredients. It yields a high concentration of bio available plant enzymes, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fiber. Enzyme provides energy, promotes health, and compliments more than 3,000 enzymes already at work in the human body.

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